1 Story / 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath
+ Study
1825 sf / Exterior 44 x 63

floorplans, homes or elevations
may show optional features

The Osprey III
The Osprey III Floorplan


1 Story / 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath
+ Study
1868 sf / Exterior 38 x 60

floorplans, homes or elevations
may show optional features

The Shore House
The Shore House Floorplan


2 Story / 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath
+ Study
1961 sf / Exterior 28 x 36

floorplans, homes or elevations
may show optional features

The Lake House
The Lake House Floorplan


1 Story / 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath
2018 sf / Exterior 41 x 60

floorplans, homes or elevations
may show optional features

The Seascape
The Seascape Floorplan


1 Story / 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath
+ Study
2072 sf / Exterior 42 x 60

floorplans, homes or elevations
may show optional features

The Retreat
The Retreat Floorplan


1 Story / 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath
2136 sf / Exterior 39 x 60

floorplans, homes or elevations
may show optional features

The Lakeside Lodge
The Lakeside Lodge Floorplan

Our floorplans, homes or elevations may show optional features. Contact a Sales Representative for information or for all optional features available for this plan. These prices reflect items listed on our standard specifications sheet. Prices subject to change without notice.

— Customer Review —

“LOVE LOVE LOVE my new tiny guest house lovingly built by all the Timberland “family”! From the great design service to the meticulous craftsmanship and prompt service after the fact…the entire company takes such pride in their work. I loved the fact that the final price included everything except the site work and the blinds! I had a couple of meltdowns (about the site work) and Julie was so awesome in providing solutions. Timberland had my back! I simply cannot say enough about how great my experience with Timberland has been. I wish I had another 20 projects that I could do with them!”